Posts Tagged "Windrock Farm"

Lisa Houlgrave Photography



Lisa Houlgrave shooting on location at Windrock Farm with McCoy in the fields of soybeans.  Lisa specializes in portraits, weddings and fashion.

Teaching Kids to Ride Safely with Confidence

As a result of working in film for nearly 4 decades, Rex Peterson has designed several products to make horse training more efficient and safe. The Neck Rope designed and made by Rex Peterson can be used for many purposes, including ponying kids on their first few trail rides across country. It is important to get out of the arena as soon as possible for the rider as well as the horse. You can see in this video how easy it is to control the pony when he speeds up or wants to turn the wrong direction. This method allows the kid to feel the independence of riding while having a safety line for any errors.

Jonathan Groff Rides with the Centaur

A “Taking Woodstock” reunion at Windrock Farm, Jonathan Groff (Michael Lang) and LuAnn Claps, the make-up artist from Taking Woodstock visit for an autumn ride. Jonathan had not been on a horse since the day of shooting him riding RJ in the mud field on the set. LuAnn loved Allez who was a perfect gentleman.

Congratulations to Joa and Kestrel

Kestrel Joa smile

Last weekend Joa was third in the open Training Level division at Town Hill Horse Trials, after placing 6th in dressage, Joa went on to jump a flawless show jumping round and a clean cross country round on Kestrel. Although Kestrel looked at a few fences on the cross country course– the log over the ditch and the water, Joa rode him beautifully around the course. All of the training and hard work has paid off with this team finishing the season in top form.

Peter the Great, Irish Sport Horse for Sale

Lauren Peadar

Lauren with Petey after a ride,this 12 year old ISH is a true gentleman, he jumps anything and is easy to ride. Photo by Scott Gorden at Windrock Farm

Wyatt rides RJ

rj wyatt 09

Wyatt takes his daily lesson on RJ, his favorite horse at Windrock Farm. Wyatt is visiting for a month from LA.

RJ and TJ on the set of Hidalgo in Morocco


After 5 years from its premiere, the Disney film “Hidalgo” remains popular among many horse lovers. Every week I receive emails from fans asking about the number of horses used in making this epic tale. Here are good friends, Viggo Mortensen (the human star) and Rex Peterson (the horse trainer) on TJ and RJ behind the scenes on the set in Morocco. You can see the make-up running off the horses faces. Each morning the 2 main cast horses had to sit for over an hour while the make-up crew painted them to look alike. Just another example of the magic of making movies.

Dogs on a Jump


Will your horse clear these pooches??

Breaking Young Horses to Saddle


Last weekend we broke 2 young horses to accept the saddle and rider.  Here you can see Rex controlling this young gelding for his first ride.  Steele stays close to Cache as he learns to accept the aids from the rider.  Rex is able to stop the horse from bucking or rearing with the neck rope so that he never learns these bad habits.

Elegant Athlete


17 hand gelding, very elegant, easy to ride, this horse is a very special guy.  If you are looking for an Equitation horse, jumper, dressage or event horse, he is talented, a bold jumper, light to the aids and a true gentleman on the ground.  At 6 years old, he shows tremendous promise to excel in any job.  contact Cari to schedule an appointment to try this exceptional athlete.