Archive for the "Driving horses" Category

Super Andalusian For Sale

Main Street ArticleSardinero

Moose Joins the Band Real Estate



Listo and Bond Featured in Ralph Lauren’s Unbridled Spirit

Zulu the Magnificent

zulu armor canter

Zulu owned by Athene Von Hirschberg looks magnificent in the armor provided by Lisa Oberman.

Portrait of Goldie by Lisa Houlgrave

goldie headlisa

Book a portrait of your horse with the amazing photographer Lisa Houlgrave

Training Horses for a Swedish Horse Racing Commercial

Driving Three-Up in California

There are many ways to teach a horse to drive, but the fastest and safest is to put the novice horse in between two seasoned driving horses who will tell him what to do.  He will have no choice but to turn when the others turn, stop when they stop and move forward with them.  They quickly learn the best choice is to get with the program.  Tyler, Ryan, Rex and I drove across the valley in Tehachapi.  Click here for more information on how to train your horse.