Posts Tagged "Ang Lee"

Ang Lee’s “Taking Woodstock” Opens this Week

rj  jonathan taking woodstock

ang lee RJeye

RJ is the magnificent steed ridden by Michael Lang, the organizer of the Woodstock Music Festival in Ang Lee’s new film “Taking Woodstock”. This film is the story of a family in NY State who were a part of making the festival happen in a small farming community. No one knew these 3 days would become a massive gathering of over half a million people who would congregate to celebrate music and peace. It was remarkable that there was little violence with such a mass of people at a time of tremendous turmoil.

RJ always makes an impression on screen and was even mentioned in the NY Times review of the film. Be sure to go out and enjoy this film about an amazing time in our history.

Bugatti-9 year old Hannovarian gelding

Bugatti awaits his cue to act in the film “Taking Woodstock” directed by Ang Lee.  Bugatti was cast as a police horse who has to maneuver among hundreds of cars and motorcycles in a traffic jam of hippies in transit to the famous Woodstock concert in 1969.  It is a testament to the character and kindness of this horse that he calmly walked among the protesters, cars, hippies and camera crew on location at the set in East Chatham, New York.  It is even more amazing when you realize his pilot was an extra who could not ride at all, and was able to appear to be riding under my instruction.

RJ in new film by Ang Lee “Taking Woodstock”

Ang Lee discussing the scene with RJ in his new movie “Taking Woodstock”.  The film is being shot on location in New York at several different farms around Albany.  RJ is in the final scene of the film after the concert is over.  The organizer Michael Lang, portrayed by Jonathan Groff, gallops off after surveying the damage to Max Yasgur’s farm in Bethel New York.

RJ was a pro, hitting his mark for every take.  He had incredible patience with everyone on set, clowning around in between shots.  The character of Elliot is played by Demitri Martin, a natural comedian who played very well against RJ.  A very long day, but in the end a successful day on set.