Black Beauty moves West


Recently one of our favorite horses travelled across the nation to move to Hidden Hills, California. Here she is in her new home with Alex, her new best friend.

With a change in environment, different food and a new time change, horses take some time to adjust. Beauty is not exception and upon arrival showed signs of ulcers. If there are any signs of ulcers they can easily be dealt with. I called Don Kapper, one of the top Equine Nutritionists has developed a product Ulcers. This is what he writes:

The Ulcer Formula must come into “contact” with the lesion to work, it is best fed at least 4 times/day for the first two weeks. After that, you can feed the recommended amount, according to her size, twice a day with her regular feed. To order Ulcer Formula and have it delivered please call “toll free” number: 877-235-2171, any questions about Equine Nutrition can be sent directly to Don

Also if there are any signs of hives it is important to have the vet take a blood profile to determine what is causing the irritation. This is very simple and will confirm what the allergies are from. A simple injection of steroids will eliminate the bumps in the short term, however if they resurface it is important to solve the problem from the inside.